Gold Plated Copper

Machine Made Copper Alloy and Gold Plated 6 Aparmita / Amitayus Statue

Machine Made Copper Alloy and Gold Plated 6 Aparmita / Amitayus Statue
Machine Made Copper Alloy and Gold Plated 6 Aparmita / Amitayus Statue
Machine Made Copper Alloy and Gold Plated 6 Aparmita / Amitayus Statue
Machine Made Copper Alloy and Gold Plated 6 Aparmita / Amitayus Statue

Machine Made Copper Alloy and Gold Plated 6 Aparmita / Amitayus Statue

Aparmita / Amitayus / Tsepame Statue. Copper Alloy and Gold Plated.

Aparmita - The Buddha of Infinite Life. Aparmita (also called Amitayus) is the name of Buddha Amitabha in his Bestower of Longevity aspect. He may be regarded as either a celestial Buddha or a fully realized Bodhisattva, having attained Buddhahood many eons ago as a result of his infinite merit accumulated over countless past lives as a Bodhisattva. According to the Larger Sutra of Immeasurable Life, Aparmita, through the power of his good deeds, created a pure heavenly realm where he now dwells along with his innumerable divine disciples, enjoying boundless and endless life.

He promises that if any faithful man or woman calls upon him at the moment of death, he will appear, together with a multitude of blessed sages, and deliver the dying person to his Pure Land where they will live in the light of the Dharma, free from suffering and death. Aparmita sits in perfect equanimity with his hands in Dhyana Mudra, the gesture of meditation. Both of his palms lie face up in his lap where they hold the ambrosia treasure vase that is his special emblem. His right hand, resting on top, symbolizes the state of enlightenment, while his left hand, resting below, represents the world of appearance. Thus, Aparmita's posture expresses his mastery over the world of appearance through enlightenment, and signifies the enlightened state of mind for which samsara and nirvana are one.

His vase contains amrita, the elixir of awakening and immortality, and is adorned with leaves of Ashoka, a sacred flowering tree. This vase, along with its contents and adornments, symbolizes Aparmita's compassionate gift of a long life free from sickness and suffering. This sculpture is a beautiful portrayal of Aparmita / Amitayus / Tsepame which is made from copper alloy with gold plating and has fine detail carvings.

Machine Made Copper Alloy and Gold Plated 6 Aparmita / Amitayus Statue